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Microwave Digestor in Bhopal

Microwave Digestor

Microwave Digestor in Bhopal


Microwave digestion is a well-established preparation technique for converting solid samples into solutions suitable for analysis by ICP-AES, ICP-MS, atomic absorption spectrophotometry or polarography.

Microwave digestion is a special and successful way of sample preparation for elemental analysis. Whenever samples need to be analyzed for trace elements, they need to be transferred into liquid form in order to be handled by the analytical equipment. This link between sample and analysis is called sample preparation. 

The basic technique behind microwave-assisted sample preparation is acid digestion, which is one of the most important sample preparation techniques. By means of acid digestion, a sample is destroyed or dissolved by the use of acids and only the (trace) metals remain in solution. This transfers samples into an analyzable liquid, which is essential because clear, particle-free solutions are required for the analytical equipment to determine small concentrations of toxic metals.

The demands for microwave digestion are high – it needs to be a highly reliable method in order not to compromise analytical data.[1] Due to effective heating with microwaves, reliable reaction control, and high temperature and pressure tolerance, analysis of things like food, soil, and pharmaceuticals is possible, which supports the success of subsequent elemental analysis.

  • Easy handling (thanks to workflow support); convenient digestion
  • Multiple backup safety systems
  • All the benefits of a PDC system at a competitive price
  • Smart system for digestion of most samples
  • To be used with an external cooler for additional cost savings